- He was the better of a bunch of awful faces. I was relieved to see the Japanese yen rise. He said he would no longer interfere excessively with the Bank of Japan. Over the past decade, policies have devalued the yen and thoroughly destroyed the value of assets owned by the people in order to reduce government debt. I can’t expect much from the current LDP members, but I think he’s better than the other candidates.
- 彼はひどい顔ぶれの中ではマシな方だった。日本円が上がったのを見て安心した。彼はもう日銀に過度な干渉はしないと言った。過去10年間、政府の負債を減らすために、政策によって円を切り下げ、国民が所有する資産の価値を徹底的に破壊してきた。今の自民党議員にはあまり期待できないが、他の候補者よりはましだと思う。
- It’s wild knowing he’s a military, train and idol otaku as well as being a Protestant Christian. Yet he is also in favor of same sex marriage.
- 彼がミリタリー、鉄道、アイドルのオタクであり、プロテスタントのクリスチャンであることを知ると、ワイルドな気持ちになる。しかし、彼は同性婚にも賛成している。
- My Japanese spouse says he wants to raise tax to 15% and is more partial to the elderly.
- 私の日本人の配偶者は、税金を15%に上げたいと言っており、高齢者にもっと配慮している。
- He is a centrist a little better than Kishida, well, not good but also not the best, heck, he is even a centrist on this! XD.
- 彼は岸田より少しマシな中道派で、まあ、良くはないがベストでもない!XD。
- Maybe just visually? His eyes don’t look real. He really creeps me out
- 見た目だけかな?彼の目は本物に見えない。本当にゾッとする
- Actually, this is a huge surprise! While a lot of western media talked about how he was the frontrunner this completely overlooks how much a lot of other lawmakers hate him. His entire career has been built on being willing to criticise his own party, including Abe, which has him a lot of high profile personal enemies including the LDP’s vice president Taro Aso.
Kishida himself said that he’d support whoever had the most votes from party members and that was Sanae Takaichi, Ishida’s main opponent here, who won 109-108. Takaichi also won far more votes from MPs in the first round, and MPs have a stronger say in choosing the prime minister in the 2nd round.
So basically, Ishiba had to contend with being the runner up with his opponent garnering much more upper echelon support as well as personal animosity from much of the party. The markets recognised this, the Yen was actually weakening before the results because they expected Takaichi (who wants to reverse interest rate hikes) to win. Ishiba himself recognised this, before the votes he recalled Tanzan Ishibashi, a former prime minister who won his own comeback victory against Shinzo Abe’s grandfather in 1956.- 実は、これは大きな驚きだ!多くの西側メディアは、安倍首相が最有力候補であることを伝えていたが、他の多くの議員が安倍首相を嫌っていることを完全に見落としていた。彼のキャリアはすべて、安倍首相を含む自民党を批判することを厭わないことで築かれてきたものであり、麻生太郎自民党副総裁を含む多くの著名な個人的敵を抱えている。
- What if we all band together and wear this costume on Halloween?
- ハロウィンの日に、みんなで団結してこのコスチュームを着たらどうだろう?
- In the many potential outcomes of this election, it’s one of the “less bad” imho. Even… not bad. We’ll see what happens.
- 今回の選挙で起こりうる多くの結果の中で、これは「悪くない」ほうだと思う。悪くも…ない。どうなるか見てみよう。
- He has to thank Toriyama sensei for making him become Prime Minister of Japan.
- 石破氏は総理大臣にしてくれた鳥山先生に感謝しなければならない。
- Didn’t even realise he was wearing a costume. I thought big piece of flub was his default setting
- 彼がコスチュームを着ていることにさえ気づかなかった。大失敗が彼のデフォルト設定だと思っていた
- He definitely seems to have a sense of humor. His interview with comedian Jimmy on Waratte ikenai 24 was hilarious.
- 彼は間違いなくユーモアのセンスを持っているようだ。「笑ってはいけない24」でのお笑い芸人ジミーとの対談は笑えた。
- It started with Abe as Mario. Now it’s like an initiation ceremony
- 安倍マリオから始まった。今は入門式のようなもの